Monday, April 11, 2011

Whatever happened to worship wars?

I was thinking today about how churches have gone through worship wars for years over Contemporary vs. Traditional worship. In recent years as contemporary worship music has become more and more accepted, it seems that many churches have at least incorporated "some" contemporary music into worship (albeit at times begrudgingly).

I have thought for years that the problem is not the music, it is authenticity and how well we worship. I have been in churches of all types that worship "well". However, I have also been in churches that really don't seem to want to be in worship at all. In my opinion, musical style matters less than being authentic. Are we leading people into the presence of God through what we do? Is our worship pleasing to God? Truly worship should be our "offering" to God. In this way, Worship should be more of a way of life than just what we do once or twice a week.

I started college as a music major with the intention of being a church music minister. I am so glad that God had other plans for me. I love music, and I love music of all types; however, many times the arguments over music become such a distraction that it is taking our focus off of God. No matter what type of music we use, we should do it well.

The other idea that comes to mind is that there are other types of creative worship that we in many ways ignore, while putting music on a pedestal. What about visual art? Drama? Dance? We need to expand our horizons!
Ralph Mahoney says it well:

"Whenever His people gather and worship Him, God promises He will make His
presence known in their midst. On the other hand, where God's people consistently
neglect true spiritual worship, His manifest presence is rarely experienced."

Are we truly worshiping God? If our worship seems to lack something (either personal or corporate worship) then we need to examine what is distracting us. Let us go and worship the one true God!


bex said...

whatever happened to your posting?? :) you know that just because people aren't "following" you doesn't mean people aren't reading... you really should lead on your fans like this. :) also, what happened to the first year of your life?

Tim Smith said...

Hmmm, I just assumed nobody was reading it...the first year, I didn't think was written so well, so I will rewrite it. I guess I will pick this up that I know I have at least one reader. haha